The most disappointing thing
The most disappointing thing for us is how we went out in the second round in the state tournament.” With 10 seniors returning, including the high scoring All New England duo of Kasey Schulz and Tania Domingos, the Nighthawks will be a major challenge on every opponents’ schedule. Kenney concedes he’s fortunate they’re on his roster. “I think every coach in Connecticut would like to have Tania and Tracey playing for them,” he said.
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Engravings by Barry Moser illustrating the most recent publication (2011) and a new translation of the original French version by Joseph Donohue, will be featured in the exhibition. Through May 24, Elliott Erwitt: Dog Dogs features 65 of Erwitt best pictures of dogs. Photographed around the world between 1946 and 2004, this selection demonstrates the artist affectionate eye and love of surrealist juxtapositions.