And one big change on the way
And one big change on the way is the transition of Hawkeye sophomore Drew Cook from quarterback to tight end following in the footsteps of his legendary father Marv Cook. Cook’s move from quarterback to tight end would leave Iowa with just three quarterbacks on the roster. But Cook who was a star quarterback for his dad at Iowa City Regina is a perfect tight end candidate at 6 5 235 pounds.The man who killed retired New Orleans Saints star Will Smith and wounded his wife during a traffic dispute last year was sentenced Thursday to 25 years in prison for manslaughter.Black Hawks sweep Fargo, advance to Western Conference FinalBlack Hawks sweep Fargo, advance to Western Conference FinalUpdated: Tuesday, April 18 2017 10:52 PM EDT2017 04 19 02:52:07 GMTWaterloo rolled out of Fargo with a 3 0 win as the Black Hawks completed the three game sweep of the Force in the opening round of the playoffs.
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